The following FREE practice test is the twelfth one of the Life in the UK Test. This practice exam has 24 questions in total.

All the questions are set to help you learn about the UK and efficiently prepare for the real exam because passing the Life in the UK test is part of demonstrating that you are ready to become a permanent migrant to the UK.

Keep practising until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!

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#1. Vaccinations and medical treatment for animals are available from general surgeons.

*False. Vaccinations and medical treatment for animals are available from veterinary surgeons (vets).

#2. Many public services such as education are controlled by_____.

#3. The UK is governed by which parliament or assembly?

#4. In England, Wales and Scotland, Magistrates and Justices of the Peace (JPs) usually work paid and need legal qualifications.

*False. In England, Wales and Scotland, Magistrates and Justices of the Peace (JPs) usually work unpaid and do not need legal qualifications.

#5. There are ______ national parks in England, Wales and Scotland.

#6. When were the House of Lords and House of Commons established?

#7. If you are facing domestic violence, you can get help_______.

#8. The London Eye(443 feet) situated on the southern bank of the River Thames is a Ferris wheel, which is______tall.

#9. Which political party did Margaret Thatcher(1979 to 1990) belong to?

#10. Which political party does the Speaker represent?

#11. When did the Vikings from Denmark and Norway first visit Britain to raid coastal towns and take away goods and slaves?

#12. Which of the following is true?

#13. How many crosses does the Union Flag have?

#14. ________was one of the commanders in the defeat of the Spanish Armada and one of the founders of England’s naval tradition.

#15. Which political party was elected after the Second World War?

#16. Which of the following is NOT a part of the British government?

#17. Who defeated the Vikings?

#18. Who had the power to appoint bishops and order how people should worship in the new Church of England created by Henry VIII?

#19. Which of the following is a role of the Queen?

#20. Policy and laws governing defence, foreign affairs, immigration, taxation and social security all remain ___________.

#21. The MP’s office is located at_________.

#22. Who lost a lot of power and influence after the Battle of Culloden in 1746?

#23. Which of the following can living people donate that may help other people with injuries or illnesses?

#24. The suffragettes were a group of people who____________.
