The following FREE practice test is the eighteenth one of the Life in the UK Test. This practice exam has 24 questions in total.
All the questions are set to help you learn about the UK and efficiently prepare for the real exam because passing the Life in the UK test is part of demonstrating that you are ready to become a permanent migrant to the UK.
Keep practising until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!
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#1. After the Second World War, the UK was exhausted economically.
#2. What story did several cathedrals tell about their windows of stained glass, built during the Middle Ages??
#3. Where was Anne Boleyn executed?
#4. Which countries fought alongside Britain against Russia during the Crimean War(1853-1856)??
#5. How long did the Hundred Years War fought between England and France actually last for?
#6. When did Gordon Brown take over as Prime Minister from his predecessor Tony Blair?
#7. Which year did King Edward I of England introduced the Statute of Rhuddlan by which Wales annexed to the Crown of England?
#8. There are charities which may help people who cannot afford to pay a vet.
#9. Which of the following statements about shopping locally is false?
#10. What is/are the fundamental principle(s) of British life?
*The fundamental principles of British life include:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- Participation in community life.
#11. After King Alfred the Great defeated the Vikings, many of the Viking invaders stayed in Britain, especially in the east and north of England in an area named_____
#12. The settlements of Scottish and English Protestants in Ulster (the northern province of Ireland) during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I, who took over the land from Catholic landholders are known as______.
#13. In England, Wales and Scotland, most minor criminal cases are dealt with in a Magistrates’ Court.
*False. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, most minor criminal cases are dealt with in a Magistrates’ Court. In Scotland, minor criminal offences go to a Justice of the Peace Court.
#14. When was Lincoln Cathedral built?
#15. When Henry VIII took the title ‘King of Ireland’, English laws were introduced and local leaders were expected to follow the instructions of the Lord Lieutenants in Dublin.
#16. Why was Queen Mary known as ‘Bloody Mary’?
#17. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
#18. In the Oath of Allegiance, who is allegiance sworn to?
#19. Which of the following is the responsibility of the MPs?
#20. What was the symbol of Lancaster during the Wars of the Roses?
#21. Which one of the following reasons to recycle is false?
#22. Which of the following is/are Britain’s ‘shared values and responsibilities’?
*There are some ‘shared values and responsibilities for those living in the UK that all residents should respect.
These values and responsibilities include:
- to obey and respect the law
- to be aware of the rights of others and respect those rights
- to treat others with fairness
- to behave responsibly
- to help and protect your family
- to respect and preserve the environment
- to treat everyone equally, regardless of sex, race, religion, age, disability, class or sexual orientation
- to work to provide for yourself and your family
- to help others
- to vote in local and national government elections.