The following FREE practice test is the thirty-third of the Life in the UK Test. This practice exam has 24 questions in total.

All the questions are set to help you learn about the UK and efficiently prepare for the real exam because passing the Life in the UK test is part of demonstrating that you are ready to become a permanent migrant to the UK.

Keep practising until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!

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#1. Famous horse-racing events in the UK include Royal Ascot and the Grand National.

#2. ________is a traditional Welsh food.

*Welsh cakes. They are a traditional Welsh snack and made from flour, dried fruits and spices, and served either hot or cold.

#3. Diwalli celebrates the victory of good over evil and the gaining of knowledge.

#4. When is Boxing Day?

#5. Which two languages formed the basis of the English language?

#6. When is Christmas Eve?

#7. When is Christmas Day?

*Christmas Day is 25 December. The day celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a public holiday.

#8. When is St George’s Day, patron of England?

#9. The Church of Scotland is _________. ? The Church of Scotland is the national church of Scotland and governed by ministers and elders.

#10. How many days is Hannukah (to remember the Jews’ struggle for religious freedom) celebrated for?

#11. What do young children believe that Father Christmas(Santa Claus) brings them on the night before Christmas Day?

#12. In what two months can Easter fall?

#13. What is a Menorah?

#14. The end of Ramadan is marked by which festival?

#15. Ramadan is a period of fasting for _______.

#16. A group of Protestants who advocated strict and simple religious doctrine and worship were called________.

#17. Who is the patron saint of Wales?

#18. How many days is the Jewish celebration known as Hanukkha celebrated?

#19. Pool and darts are not traditional pub games.

#20. Halloween has its roots in the pagan festival to mark the beginning of _________.

#21. When is St Andrews Day, patron of the Scotland?

#22. Which of the following playwrights is known for the richness of its poetry and plays in the Elizabethan period?

#23. Easter marks the death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday and his rising from the dead on Easter Sunday.

#24. Who is the patron saint of England?
